CPC & Associés is happy to highlight the contribution from its tax partner Adrien Khaznadji for the December 23 issue of Sports Law & Taxation.
Following the famed Cristiano Ronaldo case, it was the perfect chance to shed some light on special tax regimes available for sportspersons throughout Europe. The contribution from Adrien Khaznadji on French tax aspects comes together with the ones from esteemed practitioners for the UK, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The French impatriate tax regime has been in existence for nearly two decades, but it is not yet as well-known as it deserves.
This publication aims to present the regime, and to help navigate through its somewhat complex implementation.
CPC & Associés would like to thank Sport Tax and Law, its managing editor Dr. Rijkele Betten and Mr. Kevin Offer, from Hardwick & Morris, for the opportunity to contribute on that key topic.